Monday, April 18, 2016

NewsWorld Assesment

NewsWorld, a short story that touches the heart of any individual who experienced freight for their future self, gives insight to the perspective of the younger generation facing the horrible realities of war in life.

Several symbols that depict the simple life of a growing teenager (such as television, assigned books, and even the closed theme park that has its rush of life) make the sudden shock of attack on the nation easier to understand. Having experienced most violence only through rough falls on a sports field or through the safety net of the television, there had been no previous way of knowing that there was a protected shield from the horrors of the world. Larger powers had always been there, and wiser words had always reached the younger generation through the written word in mistreated books and under the guise of planned shows, but all it was for the majority of its younger audience was just fables and tales to enjoy. Entertainment never got in the way of their planned future. Television always mentioned dangers around the world, but what were the chances of it coming and finding us in our own country?

The short story shows attack impact directly on a young teenaged life, a sudden state of instability that questions their reason for being there. No one knows the correct way to react, but every one turns to group together and find a sense of protection, for themselves and for each other. We search for our immediate meaning in life, our goals and what we've experienced so far. The reader realizes, perhaps with some despair, that its possible they're too young to be going through an existential crisis.
The tales shown in the NewsWorld theme park suddenly have so much more reality to them. The music and enjoyability of youth stripped from its presentation to show the truth that so many others have faced, just like the friends of the narrator. 

Disasters around the world take different forms, and I believe thats partly why a personal connection to NewsWorld is easy to form. I, myself, was able to replace NewsWorld with Disney and other theme parks nearby in Orlando. I too went to a good school and was fortunate enough to receive higher education. I have been through the sudden realization in my eleventh grade experience when my school had a loss of a treasured friend due to a rare illness. The school was quarantined to ensure that it wasn't spread to any other students. The simplicity of my high school life was disturbed, and the peace that I imagined in my city of Miami was also brought to a rude awakening when protests began to help the people of Venezuela. Though I experienced the events of 9/11 in my younger years and was unaware of family members on flights from New York on that day, I later found life to be short. I had no idea what to do with my life at that point. There are so many unpredictable events that my mother and father even had to avoid for me to come into this world and figure out what my impact would be.

To adapt this story into another medium, I would have to choose a short film. Adding film of war in Vietnam and other disasters in-between showings of the displays at NewsWorld would be preferable. Offsetting it with the emptiness in the aftermath of disasters would show a larger impact

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