Monday, April 4, 2016

Trump - His words versus his image

The Great Meme Election of 2016

The Presidential Race, usually a respected election process occurring every four years to determine which candidate would rise to the task of leading a nation of thousands, has been molded to resemble a display stage of a survival reality show. Media, taking a large part in the escalated attention to the shocking declarations and actions by particular candidates, has grabbed hold of the millenials by the ear and poured both biased and live material of Marco, Cruz, Hillary, Bernie, and most noticeably, Donald Trump.

As many talk shows, newscasters, and political speakers have thrown the present day "orange Hitler" into the spotlight to expose his lack of thorough planning and spread of hatred, much of the youth of today have become extremely outspoken via social networks of his similarities to the Holocaust. Those associated with supporting Trump have shared in the "nutty" lack of rhyme or reason in sane mind. His bold claims of exporting Mexicans (and later to be announced Hispanics), Muslims, building walls to separate neighbors are blanket statements highly offending to the largey liberal youth who have been raised with more accepting ideals. If anything, the blanket statements are used more as an alarm as to who to avoid from in the future.

As much as I would like to remain unsullied by my personal opinion in this post, I have accepted the fact that it won't be possible for a rising millenial such as myself. If he is elected into the position of president, I suppose we all took part in that result, whether we voted or not. perhaps insane as he is, he instills a little nuttiness in all of us  to the point where we allowed him to gain control of our nation.

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